GOODWE Shadow Scan Function

GOODWE Shadow Scan Function

Author: Eric

2024-11-14 16:41


Why shadow scan is needed?

As we know, the MPPT or Maximum Power Point Tracking function in a converting system ensures the solar inverter work at its maximum power by tracking DC voltage and current. This works for all inverters under normal conditions (without shadowing). When the inverter works, the MPP tracker starts working (Fig 1), scanning from the right side(Open-Circuit Voltage) to the left side (Minimum MPP tracking voltage) to track the first maximum powerpoint.

So what will happen when there is shadow on PV module strings? MIGHT NOT BEATITSMAXPOWER! When there’s a shadow, the output power has multiple extreme power points instead of one maximum power point only. (Fig 2) However, the tracker will still stop at the first maximum power point it tracks, which will cause a power loss of the solar system.


That is why the shadow scanning function or optimizer is adopted in solar systems


What is shadow scan?

When the shadow scan function is activated, the MPP will scan the whole voltage range regularly to help locate the real maximum power point from multiple fake MPP points like in Fig 3.


How GoodWe shadow scan works?

Shadow scanning function, an optional and periodical operation, is available on all GoodWe residential and commercial inverters. The operation principle is as following:


FIRST STEP: Ready for scanning (Fig 4)

When the function is activated, MPP tracker will track back to the original voltage point to get readyfor scanning the whole voltage range.

Speed: 15V/500ms

Start Point: Present Working Voltage

Back-track Point: PV String Open-Circuit Voltage or Max MPPT Range, or PV power <50W 


SECOND STEP: Scan Whole Voltage Range (Fig 5)

By scanning the whole voltage range to find out the real highest power point.

Speed: 4V/500ms

Start Point: Ready Point - PV String Open-Circuit Voltage or High MPPT Range, or PV power <50W

Back-track Point: Low MPPT Range


THIRD STEP: Track Back to The MPP Voltage (Fig 6)

As the tracker find out the real maximum power point, it will track back to the point to makesuretheinverter works at the max power of PV strings.

Speed: 15V/500ms

Start Point: Low MPPT Range

Back-track Point: MPP Voltage / Maximum Power Point

NOTE: During scanning, the scanned MPPT will not stay on the maximum power point. The real powerwill change following the scanning process.


For more details, pls download the file below. 




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