ET50K parallel solution

ET50K parallel solution

Author: Jeffery

2024-12-30 17:16


The rapid development of information technology, the capacity, performance and reliability of its power supply system requirements are increasingly high, but also promote the power electronics technology research continues to further develop, the research field continues to broaden. Parallel connection to achieve large-capacity power supply is recognized as one of the important directions in the development of today's power conversion technology. Parallel connection can realize high-capacity power supply and redundant power supply, and improve the flexibility of the system, so that the volume and weight of the power system can be greatly reduced. Fundamentally improving reliability, reducing costs and increasing power density, GoodWe has therefore launched the parallel function of the ET50K series.


GoodWe Parallel Inverter System of ET 50:


System diagram and introduction

Currently, it supports on-grid parallel connection and off-grid parallel systems with STS. Pleaseconnect the Grid ports or Back-Up ports of each STS in parallel separately. If the inverter does not havebatteryaccess, it is not recommend to connect loads on the Back-Up side, otherwise the loads may bedisconnect at night.

Maximum support for 4 units in parallel.

Use the parallel system for load control, remote shutdown, DRED/RCR, etc. Please set upbymasterinverter.

Use Ezlink3000 module for paralleling, the one that plugs into the Ezlink3000 module is the master, andthe slaves should not plug with WIFI or LAN module.

Battery selection based on inverter and battery matching lists.

  a) Support for using different brands and capacity of battery in parallel systems.

  b) Do not connect a single battery to multiple inverters otherwise damage to the inverter may occur. c) The SOC is automatically balanced for each battery in the parallel system.

Support ET40~50k series inverter mix-parallel, i.e. support different power models.

Before paralleling, it is necessary to make sure that the software of each inverter is higher thanthefollowing versions (DSP higher than 2.203, ARM higher than 10.420, Ezlink3000 higher than 04, SolarGohigher than 5.7.1.), otherwise need to complete the upgrade of the single inverter first, and theninstall theparalleling system.

The dip switches of all inverters in the parallel system are OFF by default, and can be parallelizednormally without operation. If there is a communication problem, try to turn the dip switches of thefirst andlast inverters to ON state.


Required devices and usage

Required devices

Ezlink3000 module and meter have to be separately purchased.

EzLink3000: Customer need to purchase the standard Ezlink3000 and prepare standard networkcablethemselves for communication connection.

Smart Meter GM330: GMA0300-15-00P 


Usage Pre-cautions


Installation place: share the same interface with WIFI+LAN2.0, i.e. COM2.

Choose Master: Use different power inverter to from parallel, it is recommended to use themodel withthe largest power (ET50K) as the master inverter and plug in Ezlink3000 module. 

Communication: The master is normal, if there is a slave abnormal, the slave does not work, thewhole parallel system can operate normally; if the master inverter is abnormal, the wholesystemcannot work. 


Network cable:

Customers need to prepare their own cables, because the different using scenario.

Using standard STP CAT5E, CAT6 cable and the length is better within 5m. If the length is morethan5m, it is recommended to use CAT7, but the total length should not exceed 10m. 

Communication cables are daisy-chained for each inverter.

Use CAN and BUS ports (1&2 in COM 1) to connect other inverters in the unit to control theongridand off grid status of each inverter in parallel system. For the parallel connection of the EMSsystem, it is necessary to connect the 24&25 ports to realize it.

For more details, pls download the file below. 



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